Isabella Biava

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Pavia, Lombardy, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Isabella Biava

52 Jahre alt | Publisher and Content Creator | Allein

I am Isabella, a 51-year-old Italian housesitter and animal lover. I live in Mexico, travel full time, and house every now and then to spend time with furry-loving creatures because I cannot have my own.

I have been housesitting occasionally for the past seven years, looking after adorable furry babies in different places, including Mexico, Guatemala, the Isle of Man, Scotland, England, and Italy.

I am new to this platform but have many great references either on my Facebook page or my Trusted House sitters account. I can send the screenshots for those as well.

I run five websites and a YouTube channel. I am a workaholic and spend all my time working on my laptop, which gives me the chance to spend a lot of time with the furry babies and keep each other company.

I also love to explore outside, go on a hike or a city walk, take pictures every now and then, and exercise.

I am very quiet and tidy, and I love being alone.

I am happy to answer all your questions.

A lot of love and care for your furry babies and your house. I love to keep the house clean and tidy, but I am also happy to pay for a cleaner to make sure it's sparkling clean on your arrival.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bouloc, France - Oktober 2024

Isabella s'est trés bien occupée de Milos, notre chat et nous étions complétement en confiance avec elle pour s'ocuper de la maison.Nous avons eu trés souvent des nouvelles et des photos de Milos via Whatsapp. Isabella est trés sympathique et nous avons bien échangé en anglais sur ses voyages passés.

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