Cleverson&patricia f.

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Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil


Über Cleverson&patricia f.

Project Analyst

We are a happy couple who have been married for seven years. We took a career break and now we are making our dream of seeing the world. We live in Ireland for six months and we have been traveling to some countries in Asia and Europe.

Cleverson (38) graduated in Industrial Design and works as a Project Analyst also has experience in gardening and repairs. He likes to organize things, crafts, always do things creatively, and loves to take care and play with animals.
Patricia (37) is a Public Server who works in a public school and graduated in Chemistry Teaching. She loves listening to music, she always has creative ideas, is passionate about photography and landscapes, enjoy learning about food and is fond of animals.
We are responsable, quiet, organized, clean and non-smoking. We like to do many things together. We like to know and learn about new cultures, taste the local area, also enjoys watching movies, meeting new people, spending time with nature, I also love animals and are happier when we have a pet to care .

We are currently developing a new web project, so this gives us the flexibility to travel home and sit in the short or long time, we just need an Internet connection. Housesitting allows us to experience real life in another country and is a great way of people helping each other, being possible to feel like we are in our own home with added bonus that really enjoy the pleasant company that animals bring.
We are social people, but not really the party, we prefer quiet time and need it for our project.

In our house we always did the housework, repairs and had the garden care. Both animals have always had friends (dog, cat, mouse).
You can rest assured that we will take care of their home and their animals with great care and attention as if they were our own.
We promise to leave the house exactly the way we find and provide a love for their pets and garden environment.

We have the experience of watching family homes and friends, as we have also been two good experiences in workaway.
We know that this information still leaves a lot of unanswered questions. So please do not hesitate to contact us at any time, they are also available to talk on Skype (search for: cleversonpatricia).

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Meine Reisebegleiter
PATRICIA, PUBLIC SERVENT, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Philippe d.

Casablanca, Morocco - Dezember 2016

Ce couple adorable s'est extrêmement bien occupé à la fois de notre chatte ainsi que de la maison et du jardin. Lors de notre retour ils avaient eu la gentillesse de nous préparer un dîner typiquement brésilien. Nous avons retrouvé notre maison dans un état impeccable et le jardin bien entretenu. Nous recommandons vivement. Chantal et Philippe

Jclemenc j.

Chatou, France - September 2016

Cleverson and Patricia spend a week at home. They came on time as promised, took good care of the house, cat and fish tank. I could tell they were really serious about the home sitting, asking many questions about the rules in the house. When I came back home, the house was clean and tidy, the cat happy and we that had prepared a meal for us. Not only that, but also they are very friendly, we shared experiences and laughted a lot together. We spend 2 greats evenings at home before leaving and after returning. It was like leaving the house to the care of close friends ;-)

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