Ittai F.

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Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Ittai F.

35 Jahre alt | Deputy Director of Incubation and Attention to Entrepreneurs at the Science and Technology Council of the State of Morelos | Allein

I am Mexican with a volunteer spirit, I will be a volunteer at the Paralympic Games, so this opportunity will help me a lot to save money and help wonderful people who take care of their pets. I am also part of the Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, I develop local projects about the Fashion Revolution and fashion waste, my last challenge was to represent Mexico in the Ship for World Youth, a project of the Japan Cabinet Office. , sharing time with 240 other young people from Japan, France, Sri Lanka, Kenya, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Egypt and Bahrain, to understand our realities and make friends.

That why I am looking for a House Sitting, for a win-win time to help local people and have a room to stay, I have a schedule for my mission my venue are the Paralympic Village at Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, I will have 2 full days free per week and only working time are 6 hours, I will have a lot of time to take care your pets, and do my best for choosing me.

In my family house we had 3 dogs, my bother have 5 dogs, and 2 of my sisters have 2 dogs each, so we love the pets, when I was a kid a love the cats, but the life gives us dogs.

I will arrive to Paris next August 11th, and leave September 14th.

I hope we can match.

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Englisch | Spanisch

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Ines d.

Paris, France - August 2024

I had the pleasure of welcoming Ittai for his first experience on Nomador, and everything went smoothly from our initial contact to the handover of my apartment. He was very helping and flexible. When I returned, Penny (my cat) was in great shape, clearly well cared for during my absence. I received pictures and videos that reassured me throughout the stay. I highly recommend Ittai to anyone looking for a reliable and considerate house sitter. Thanks a lot Ittai !!

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