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Rachael H.

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Annandale, Virginia, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Rachael H.

51 Jahre alt | Project Manager | Allein

My name is Rachael Hubbard, and I am an extremely conscientious pet sitter. I would love to care for your pets while you are away, giving them lots of love and attention. I'm new to Nomador but have many references on Trusted Housesitters and Rover.
I understand our pets are family, and I will happily care for sweet pets like you do while you are gone. I'm familiar with giving medicines to pets, so that won't be a problem. I like to keep everything neat and tidy, so please know any litter boxes will be kept clean! I will also make sure your place is kept perfectly. I send texts and photos to the owners so they can see how their pets are doing.
I've been rescuing and raising Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for over 15 years. Several of our adopted dogs came to us with serious health issues, and we ensured they received the best care possible. I frequently pet-sit and house-sit and have experience with all types of animals. I enjoy giving them love, attention, and excellent care.
Because I work from home, I can work from anywhere and am home all day. I have many years of animal care experience and am currently booked through mid-September. I would be happy to provide you with references. I want you to be 100% comfortable entrusting their care to me, so please reach out with any questions. You can reach me via Facebook or Whatsapp at +1 703-615-7634 or by email at [email protected].

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Sarrah K.

Paris, France - November 2024

Rachael was the best pet-sitter we could dream of. She is lovely as a person and so committed to her responsibilities. She was very caring with our 4 kittens and their mum, while so respectful with us and our place. She is 100%% trustable, we found back our apparement even cleaner that we left it, and our animals so well treated. She gave regular and precise news while also respecting that we were not a lot available during our holiday. We strongly recommend her, thanks a lot Rachael!

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