Terrence m.

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Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Über Terrence m.

60 Jahre alt | Business Manager

We are a happily married couple whose children have left home and we are now seeking our own adventures following the sale of our business. We have had more than 50 house sits in 8 different countries looking after a wide variety of pets.
Terry has had a career in business management with companies such as Cadbury and Johnson & Johnson, Maura is an Accountant and has worked in CA companies such as Grant Thornton as well as not for profit organisations. We are currently in Europe to travel and house sit for a few years.
We see house sitting as an ideal way to see different places and to live as locals for a period of time. We have always had pets in our household and understand that they prefer to stay in their familiar environment. Looking after your pet fills the void of not having our own pet while we travel. Having caring house sitters such as ourselves, provides sound peace of mind that both house and pets will be well cared for.
We have owned our own home for most of the 30 years of our marriage and understand the pride home owners have in their property. We like to live in a clean and tidy environment and will ensure any house we stay in is treated with the respect we would give to our own home. We have always had pets including dogs, cats, chickens and budgies. We are both fit and enjoy walking, so taking dogs for walks is a pleasure, our last dog was Tess, a Border Collie and we loved taking her to the park, river or beach. We also have experience tending spa and swimming pools, as well as gardens and lawns. Police checks are available. We are travelling in our own car.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Maura, 59 Jahre alt, Accountant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sandrine v.

Valence, France - November 2018

J'ai accueilli Terry et Maura chez moi pour garder ma petite Lili. C'est un couple charmant venant de Nouvelle Zélande. Ils sont restés pendant une dizaine de jours chez moi et ont vraiment pris soin de Lili. Ils m'ont donné des nouvelles régulières et envoyé des photos de Lili (dont une vraiment rigolote sur laquelle elle est étalée de tout son long sur le lit). Tout s'est très bien passé, ils ont fait des efforts pour comprendre mon anglais pas toujours au point, et m'ont rendu un appartement impeccable. N'ayez crainte, vous pouvez leur faire confiance ! I welcomed Terry and Maura to my house to keep my little Lili. It's a lovely couple from New Zealand. They stayed for ten days at home and really took care of Lili. They gave me regular news and sent photos of Lili (including a really funny one on which she is spread all the way down on the bed). Everything went well, they made efforts to understand my "not always very good" English, and left my apartment very clean. Do not worry, you can trust them!

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