Catharina h.

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Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Catharina h.

62 Jahre alt | Psycologist | Als Paar/Duo

Hello, it's nice to meet you here! (En français -> voir ci-dessous (Google Translator))
We are Catharina and Frank, a dynamic and reliable couple from Germany. We are well trained and have some great expiriences to be Houssitters.
Catharina is a psycologist and sientist and Frank is a teacher for German and sport, he ist retired. We are notsmoking, very easygoing, friendly and absolutely trustworthy and reliable. At the moment we are living in the north of Ireland in Donegal (absolut fantastic) and from time to time we are traveling to other points of this beautiful world. We like to change our stay up from October and so we are surching a new wonderful place and will be happy to are your next housesitters.

It would be a great pleasure to be your housesitter to live with your animals because we love to live with pets. We especially love dogs and cats, donkeys, goats and horses and have good expiriences with them and care for them. But really ... there is no animal we do not like it. Hmmm ... maybe we would not cuddle with a crocodile ... ;-)) In New Zealand Catharina met an old horse and fell in love with it. It was a pretty nice animal. And in New York City she had an interesting meeting with a snake - it was an anaconda and Catharina was really fascinated. Both we have also expiriences with horses and dunkeys

We love to stay in nature, take some long walks, making yoga and sports. We love to explore new areas and sourroundings and are very able and fit. And we very open to everything and really like new experiences, make contact with your neighbours, if it is OK and explore the city or landscape. We also like to stay in other citys / Landscapes because we are intersted in cultur and art. In addition, we are both very good driver, drive cars, motorcycles (Catharina) and dare to learn other things quickly like trek ;-) Catharina also learned a craft before and we are both technically well versed.

It is very important to us to take the mutual confidence of Haussitter and Hausowner-Arrange- ment seriously and very respectful of those entrusted with animals, plants and things people. Our goal would be for you to be happy when you come back, the animals are relaxed and also happy, the plants have been through everything well and are in full force and ... we also had a very nice time that we love and think back joy.
We are happy and looking forward to your interest. Catharina and Frank

Why we are Housesitters?
We are Housesitters since 2016

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Frank, 70 Jahre alt, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


chantal B.

Polemarchi, Greece - März 2023

Catharina et Frank ont été des home/pet sitters remarquables. Ils ont pris soin de Rebelle - petite chatte abyssine de santé fragile - avec affection et tendresse, ils ont su gérer les problèmes récidivants de voiture, participer aux travaux du jardin et trouver des gardiens épatants pour les remplacer lorsqu'ils ont dû avancer leur départ. Frank a même rédigé un petit livre illustré de photos pour transmettre au mieux toutes les informations importantes. Je leur suis très reconnaissante ! Notre premier contact a été si chaleureux que j'aurais aimé les revoir à mon retour en Crète et j'espère qu'ils y reviendront ...

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