Bianka S.

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Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Bianka S.

52 Jahre alt | Technician | Allein

As a conscientious and quiet German, f, 51, service engineer by profession, who love pets and like to immerse into a foreign culture relaxedly.
I know about the diligence and activity to keep a house/Apartment clean, in a good condition and technically gifted enough to remedy bagatelles.
Last but in fact a matter of my heart: I ove animals and they love me cause I like to spend time with them, understand their belongings and respect it.
And it is always a real pleasure to take care for our neighbor pets and for the pets of the animal shelter. For them I'm one of their foster homes. So I'm mainly conversant with cats, dogs and birds, also parrots. I love to entertain and train them a little bit.
I already sit the house of friends for 3 weeks and we are still friends and other sits on other platforms.
Nothing better can happen to your cats (and household) than to be looked after by me.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marta m.

Barcelona, Spain - Oktober 2019

I spent almost 4 weeks at Bianka and Günther's house and I felt very comfortable. The house is nice and cozy and has a beautiful garden from which you can see the countryside and sometimes horses, so you feel the tranquility of contact with nature, but you have the station, supermarkets, restaurants 15 minutes walking or 5 by car. Bianka and Günther were very kind and helped me a lot, and their cat Sandro is very sweet and affectionate and it was so easy falling in love with him. It was a great and exciting experience and I would do it again.


Dresden, Germany - Juli 2019

Bianka S. has a very shy but cute cat and a totally amazing house. I really liked staying there. It's actually in middle of nowhere but that has its own charm. 5 mins away there is a riding centre and in all directions beautiful landscape for riding the bicycle or going for a walk. The station is not far away so I could drive to the city whenever I wanted a little more action. The house is in perfect shape and you can feel the love and care in all the technical features they installed to make life there totally comfortable. The small garden was perfect for laying in the hammock or the canvas chair. I loved my stay there and was actually quite sad when it was time to leave because there were still so many things I had wanted to try out. :) Thanks for letting me stay in your home and trusting me with your beloved black tiger.

2-2 von insgesamt 6

Logement de Bianka S.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

2 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 6 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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