Russell t.

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Wittersham, England, United Kingdom


Über Russell t.

46 Jahre alt | Web Developer & Designer | Als Paar/Duo

I mostly use TrustedHousesitters now and my own website:

This was where my house-sitting adventures began.

I have continuous experience of providing loving care to all kinds of pets and properties across Europe since 2016; everything from alpacas to axoltl’s… however my favourite companions tend to be cats and dogs.

I first started house-sitting with my ex-wife and we throughly enjoyed it. In the end however, I enjoyed it more… and she chose to settle down while I continued to long for the adventure.

You will almost certainly find me right now looking after someones pets or property. It is a lifestyle that takes great dedication.

I am a big fan of nature and I love the outdoors. My perfect housesit is somewhere remote; maybe up a mountain or near a river surrounded by trees and sky!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Aurélia j.

Dijon, France - Mai 2019

America et Russel sont un couple très sympathique, qui inspire vraiment confiance. Ils ont très attentifs au bien être de notre chien Sultan. Ils nous ont donné des nouvelles de lui pendant notre séjour et nous ont laissé la maison impeccable et un chien en plein forme ! Merci à eux ! Nous n'hésiterions pas à faire de nouveau appel à leurs services ! Nous ne pouvons que vous les recommander.

Lina b.

Arnhem, Netherlands - April 2019

Russell and América stayed 1,5 weeks in my house and took care of my death cat Jason. The first night I was still there. They have the talent to makes themselves comfortable in the house while not overtaking (while is was still here). I appreciate this very much. Our communication before, during and after the stay was super easy. And after 1,5 weeks my house was as I left it. I would really like to have them in my house again. And I think Jason too.

Andrea b.

Odenthal, Germany - April 2019

America and Russell took very good care of our Marlo and the house during our 6 month absence. After our cat got injured by some neighbour cat fights, they took him to the vet and applied recommended medical treatments. The communication was very easy and nice. We felt comfortable as during all the time, they kept us always up-to-date. A very nice habit of America and Russell was to share current photos of Marlo via WhatsApp from time to time. It was always a great pleasure for us to receive these photos along with a brief chat. When we came home, we found the house as we left it - everything in right place and good order. Most of all, we found our cat happy and looking very well. We got to know America and Russell as extremely responsible, reliable, cat-loving and friendly persons and we would entrust them our cat and house anytime again. Dear America, dear Russell, many thanks for everything and all the best for your future!


Juni 2018

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