Andrea b.

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Odenthal, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


Über Andrea b.

51 Jahre alt | Consultant (IBM)

We are a family of three from Germany. My husband (53) and I (44) make our long-lasted dream come true of taking a 6-months time-out from our busy jobs and hamster wheel routines. Uwe is working for one of the “big 4” global audit companies; I`m business consultant at IBM. With our employers, we have each signed a Sabbatical agreement covering the period October 2018 to March 2019 (including).
During our Sabbatical, we want to experience what everyday life is like in New Zealand which is why we would like to take the opportunity of a house-sit. We will not be working but enjoying sports and quality time as a family. We are both non-smokers.
Our daughter will celebrate her 15th birthday in autumn 2018. She is looking forward to attending the girl`s high school in Napier. That is why we are looking for a house-sit in the Napier area. Only during the Christmas school holidays, we will be free to travel and live elsewhere in New Zealand.
As of now, we have got no house-sitting experiences. While we will be enjoying our Sabbatical, our own home is taken care by a house-sitter couple we found through Nomador.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Uwe, 59 Jahre alt, Auditor, Ehepartner / Partner
Julia, 20 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Russell t.

Wittersham, United Kingdom - April 2019

We enjoyed a brilliant 6-month stay in Odenthal with Marlo. He is a friendly, cuddly cat (soft and fluffy!) and we had many evenings settling in front of the TV with him. Andrea, Uwe and Julia gave us a warm welcome when we arrived with lavish German breakfasts! Andrea had taken the time to prepare a very comprehensive home book, and they even cleared their garage so they could leave their car in it and we could use the drive to park our car and trailer if we needed to.They introduced us to all their friendly neighbours, and took us around their favourite running route in the nearby nature reserve. The area has stunning woods to walk and run in, and the village has all the amenities one might need. The house is very comfortable and well laid-out, which we greatly appreciated as we work from home using the internet. Julia’s piano was also a great feature which enabled América to take up the hobby, which she is planning on keeping up using her own portable piano from now on! We have had a great time with Marlo and we wish him and his family well in future. Thank you!

Logement de Andrea b.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

1 Katze

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