Anastasiia i.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France


Über Anastasiia i.


Hello all group members.
I'm 24 year-old student in Paris (audiovisual production). I have rich background as I traveled a lot over the world (Russia, Ukraine, Tunis, Montenegro, Croatia, Belgium, The USA and France). I love it so much as it's an unfogettable experience.
I am used to caring for a property and dealing with any issues that may arise. I have a labrador for six years, so have lots of experience in looking after pets. In Lyon I was looking after american cocker, one clown fish, one parrot and one hamster for 5 months in the house I was living in (you can see Pongo (dog) in the picture). I housesitted in Paris several times with an awesome Great Pyrenees (3 year-old dog) and for one week in a small village near Libourne (not far from Bordeaux) looking after a cat.

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Reg C.

Delta, Canada - Januar 2017

Anastasiia was very accommodating to help us with our weekend away. It was obvious that she is comfortable with animals and able to take care of pets and a household.

Pierre r.

Paris, France - Dezember 2016

Anastasiia c'est très bien occupé de Nyota, mon chat, tout au long de notre semaine. Tout c'est très bien passé durant ce séjour, et je n'hésiterais pas à refaire appel à Anastasiia la prochaine fois

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