Wendy M.

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Saint-Silvain-sous-Toulx, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Wendy M.

62 Jahre alt | Online Communications | Als Paar/Duo

We are a retired Australian couple in our 60's living in France. We have permanent residency and A2 level French.
We both worked in the IT industry and Communications.
We love to travel and explore all parts of the world. We owned a Lemon and Lime farm in South Australia and had ducks and chickens.
We are keen to take on house sitting opportunities and are non smokers, extremely clean, tidy, considerate, reliable, honest, caring and most of all friendly.
Hobbies include gardening, quilting, reading books, writing, skiing, hiking, meeting new people, travelling, cooking, drinking wine, skyping with family back in Australia. Bill is a versatile handyman - loves his man-cave that he has set up in the barn.
We own our 2 story stone house in La Creuse which we have renovated (lock up and leave) and are now keen to see as much of Europe and the rest of the world as we can.
We are members of Intervac and Homelink house swap sites so you can view our house listing on these sites.
House sitting provides us with a way in which we can experience living like a local, whilst making new friends and helps those that are in need of a well deserved break.
I grew up with dogs and Bill with cats. We had ducks and chickens on our farm. We've house sat pets that required puffers and injections. We've also cared for horses, cats, dogs, chickens and ducks.
Even though we don't have any pets now (as we travel alot) we know what's involved with caring for animals.
We have completed a number of house sits with lovely references given.
We would welcome the opportunity to house sit for you if dates and places correspond. We could be available at short notice depending on circumstances.
We're too old to party hard and the only drugs we take are prescription medications. We enjoy a Chardy or two (well we are Aussies).
Our only requirements are to have a nice comfortable big bed, non smoking, parking place and good Wifi. We prefer not to have pets in the bedroom.
Please feel free to contact us via What'sApp 0033 784476293 if you would like further information.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kindest Regards
Wendy and Bill

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Meine Reisebegleiter
William, 66 Jahre alt, Information Technology Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Paul and Alison O.

Goudargues, France - April 2024

Wendy & Bill are good company and were very easy to chat to right from the first contact. They are conscientious and caring, taking great care of our two cats who were very well and happy when we came home. The house was spotless and they left us a delicious meal on our return. We would not hesitate to ask them to sit for us again and cannot recommend them highly enough.

Sylvia L.

Ansião, Portugal - April 2024

Wendy & Bill were friendly and very communicative quickly making friends with our cats. They left the house clean and tidy and changed the sheets etc before leaving. They also left us a meal ready to go in the oven, and some treats. We can happily recommend them.

bernard D.

Buchy, France - August 2023

Couple sympathique et soucieux de bien faire Nous avons pu nous absenter en toute confiance

Max w.

Castellón de la Plana, Spain - Januar 2020

Bill and Wendy were greet looking after my cats and my flat. Was a pleasure meeting you guys. Reccomened.

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