Brittnay s.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Brittnay s.

38 Jahre alt | Freelancer

We spent 3 years living in the UK and Ireland, where we completed eight house sits. We just spent 12 months back in Melbourne (my hometown), where we completed six house sits and we are now back in Europe for the rest of 2019.

We both feel strongly that pets are apart of your family and need to be treated in such a respect. We have both grown up with an array of animals, so we firmly believe you can comfortably leave them in our capable hands. We love to go for walks everyday, which would fit perfectly for people with active pets but also are homebodies so your pets will be able to someone to use as a comfy couch in evenings :)

We both work flexible schedules, therefore we are able to be around the house more often hopefully putting your animals at ease with the company.

We enjoy keeping up appearances, garden care and housekeeping is something we take pride in. We believe communication is key to providing a situation in which both parties are comfortable.

We can bring reliability, peace of mind and a whole lot of energy to care for your home and or pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jayden, 37 Jahre alt, Freelancer, Ehepartner / Partner

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Übertrifft die Erwartungen
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Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Aurélie d.

London, United Kingdom - Dezember 2016

Britt and Jay are a lovely couple, who took very good care of our cat Arya while we were away. They sent us daily updates, with plenty of pictures and videos, and it definitely made our Christmas break more enjoyable. We could also see that Arya was very confortable and friendly with them, and it isn't always the case with people she doesn't know, so these two are clearly great with animals! The flat was clean and tidy when we came back. Overall, I would definitely recommend them!

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