Jeff & maryse m.

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San Diego, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Jeff & maryse m.

68 Jahre alt | Financial Analyst & Research Scientist

We are a non-smoking, retired, married couple. Jeff is American, Maryse is French and we live near San Diego, California, USA. We enjoy traveling, skiing, hiking, cycling, swimming, cooking, reading and Maryse practices yoga. Jeff was a research scientist and Maryse a financial analyst. We are trustworthy, reliable, flexible, organized, resourceful, conscientious, caring, clean and fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

Why we want to house sit:
We love animals, as well as traveling, exploring new areas and meeting new people and their pets. House sitting has allowed us to immerse ourselves in the cultures and locations we visit, while staying in a home environment, with the added bonus of cherished pets to love.

What we bring to the assignment / relevant experience:
We have extensive experience pet and house sitting in the USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico. We have been caring for pets our entire lives and we love the animals in our care as if they were our own. We were devoted to our own cats and dog who lived long, happy lives. We chose not to have any more pets of our own, so we now share our love of animals through pet sitting, while helping you travel with peace of mind. We have pet medical care experience, including administering medications, insulin injections and subcutaneous fluids. We also have first-hand knowledge of how difficult it can be to find someone trustworthy to care for your home and pets while you are away, so we are eager to be of service and put your concerns to rest. We are detail oriented and focused on keeping your pets’ regular schedule. Walking and hiking are a big part of our daily routine, so your dogs will enjoy plenty of exercise. We understand how hard it is to be away from your pets, so we send updates with pictures as often as you wish.

We have excellent reviews and references from each home owner whose property and pet we cared for, and we are often invited back for repeat housesits. Many pet owners schedule their travels around our availability.

We have been homeowners for 35+ years and we maintain our own rental properties. Jeff is very handy and Maryse is very organized and efficient. You can trust us to treat your home with respect and care.

Our experiences have been more wonderful than we ever could have imagined!! Our hosts have been fabulous and are now good friends. Met so many wonderful new friends and saw so many wonderful things! Would love to continue seeing places new and old an

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jeff, 68 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Laura et Edouard

Lille, France - Mai 2019

Très bon séjour de Jeff et Maryse, tout s'est très bien passé. Notre Oly était apaisée. L'appartement était propre et rangé. Ils nous ont donné des nouvelles fréquemment, Oly a même eu le droit à une petite manucure! Ce sont des personnes charmante. Nous les recommandons fortement, ils savent parfaitement s'occuper d'animaux :)


März 2015

Super experience avec ce couple.

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