Nancy j.

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Montreal, Québec, Canada


Über Nancy j.

64 Jahre alt | Nurse

Ben (60) and Nancy (58) are a Canadian non-smoking, French and English speaking married couple. Nancy is a registered nurse for over 20 years working in community home care. Ben is a creative director in the multimedia field. We have been home and pet owners (dogs, cats, hamsters and fish) for over 30 years. We have raised two sons who are now married adults and are the proud grandparents of a grandson. We consider ourselves as being honest, organized, conscientious and physically fit.
Having experienced renting apartments and homes in Europe and the United States, we know that we prefer the lifestyle of living in a local home as opposed to a hotel room surrounded by tourists. We enjoy meeting new people, experiencing new places and mixing with the locals. We love the company of animals, especially dogs, having been owners of three Golden Retrievers. We understand how important it is for pets to remain in the comfort of their own home.
We have owned 3 homes in various provinces in Canada. We have always done as much of the home maintenance as possible which included pool and hot tub upkeep and lawn and garden care. We are meticulous and take take pride in keeping a clean and well maintained home. We have house sat locally, caring for homes and pets for friends and family. Our references attest to our skills and experience with animals.
Being very competent and self reliant individuals we will have no problem dealing with any issues that may arise on you property. We will bring you peace of mind that your pets will be loved and pampered during your absence. We will guarantee that you can leave worry-free, knowing that your home and pets will have our full attention that they deserve.

Referencences and testimonials available on request.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Benoit, Multimedia creative director, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Eric r.

La Ville-du-Bois, France - September 2017

Ben et Nancy ont été des Home-sitters formidables. Nos animaux (chien et chat) et nous-mêmes avons été très tristes à leur départ. Dés leur arrivée, nous avons été en confiance avec eux, et avons vite sympathisé. Ce sont des home sitters charmants, très respectueux de la maison et des animaux qui leur sont confiés. Nous ne pouvons que très fortement les recommander pour le Home sitting.

Elodie n.

Saint-Étienne, France - Juli 2017

Nous avons rencontré Nancy et son mari une seule fois et j'ai été convaincue de leur gentillesse dès les premières minutes. C'est la première fois que j'utilise le site Nomador et je suis absolument ravie! Nancy et Benoit ont très bien pris soin de mes chats et de la maison. Tout était impeccable à notre retour et on voit très bien que les chats ont reçu beaucoup d'amour. Je les contacterai sans hésiter pour nos prochaines vacances!

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