Kristina k.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Über Kristina k.

64 Jahre alt | DESIGNER

Well travelled, resourceful woman, looking for some time alone somewhere beautiful to sit out the southern Australian winter. Yes it does get cold, too cold for me!

I love my time alone and would like to consolidate the little French, Italian and Spanish I have. Immersing myself somewhere beautiful for weeks at a time will help me get back on track with this. I run my business from the computer and have taken a step back for a year to reassess the direction I would like to take, to do some writing and contemplation. I am also completely obsessed with all things Japanese and the wonderful idea of Wabi-Sabi.

I have an airbnb listing with over 142 positive reviews and have stayed in other peoples properties in europe and elsewhere, again with positive reviews only. Growing up we always had pets. Cats, dogs, rabbits, a duck. I used to ride horses, brush them down etc though I have never had to properly look after them. The same applies to all farm animals. I do love them and have great empathy so I seem to get on well with all of them. I have driven practically every car known to man and am currently riding a Triumph Street Triple. I have also driven cherry pickers and small trucks though I do not have a current licence for those anymore. I can turn my hand to odd jobs, and will have a go at fixing most small things. I love gardening and am extremely tidy, always cleaning as I go.

In my life I have designed gardens and interiors (assisting a designer with both currently), designed bags and bikinis (last 8 years), an events florist (last 20 years), have had an art gallery, cleaned building sites to architects specs and cooked professionally, worked in pubs pulling beers (loved that!) and ran a dining room (hated that!) I have been hands on in gardens and am definitely not afraid of hard work. I am extremely resourceful, persevering, calm and thoughtful. I will not be calling every day unless I am required to or there is an emergency. You can relax in the knowledge that your home will be as my home, and I shall take very great care of everything. All I require is somewhere beautiful and clean with internet and a feeling of security. I will happily take care of and give lots of love to any animals you may have and if there is a guitar I will be even happier.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sylviane r.

Mazé-Milon, France - August 2017

Nous avons particulièrement apprécié notre rencontre avec Kristina. C'est une personne très sympathique, intéressante et autonome. Elle a pris en main notre maison et a su s'occuper de tous nos animaux avec bienveillance. Vous pouvez avoir toute confiance en elle et partir tranquille.

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