Melissa m.

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Antalya, Antalya, Turkey


Über Melissa m.

I'm a single woman who loves animals! I travel a lot, so I don't have any pets of my own, but I love to take care of other people's pets. I bond particularly well with cats and dogs, but I can be flexible with any situation.

I am a photographer, musician, and writer, and I am location-independent. I love to see and experience life through other people's eyes, so it's always an honour to be invited into someone's home, and I try my best to respect that accordingly.

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Meri k.

Perth, Australia - Dezember 2017

Although Melissa deserves all the badges, I can only choose three sadly. Melissa went above and beyond to care for our home and all the living things inside. Melissa's can do attitude and daily videos and updates kept us confident and assured whilst traveling for a month. Melissa tackled the sudden arrival of an unexpected rescue kitten with ease and had no qualms about some onsite testing of our latest business prototypes. On top of integrating a new kitten within our household(!), Melissa shows a devotion and affection for cats that is truly hard to match. Melissa effortlessly integrated within our community and went to great efforts to keep the house spick and span. We are so grateful for her assistance and would love to have her back in a heartbeat.

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