Beth s.

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Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Beth s.

Independent Contractor - Proposal Management (Retired Flight Attendant)

I am a retired Flight Attendant with lifetime flying benefits looking for a way to continue experiencing this great, big, wonderful world! As an empty nester, I find myself in a new career working 100% remotely on contracted schedules. My travel companions on occasion are my boyfriend, a mechanical engineer who also works remotely, and my daughter who is a Marriage and Family therapist. This is an exciting chapter of life to be able to immerse myself in a tucked away corner of the world, a city, or small town (wherever there is reliable wifi)! I've raised a wonderful daughter, loved and seen through to old age 3 beautiful cats and 1 rambunctious Dalmatian. My boyfriend is an excellent gardner and all around handy man, and my daughter is a cat lover and very calming presence wherever she goes. I sometimes travel alone, but typically with my fella, and on occasion my daughter when her schedule allows. We are all animal and nature lovers, and well-traveled, but still very curious about many places and people!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tom, 57 Jahre alt, Mechanical Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner
Natalie, 30 Jahre alt, Marriage & Family Therapist, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Reg C.

Delta, Canada - März 2017

It was a pleasure to have Beth visit, and look after the house, and Tyra while we were away. She made us feel very comfortable leaving for holidays, and kept us up to date while we were away, with how things were going. I would welcome her back in the future without a second thought.

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