Pete h.

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Mueang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai, Thailand

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Pete h.

74 Jahre alt | Retired, Tech sales

We are Peter and Lek (Nattaphon). We live in Thailand now, but we are totally free to move about the world!
We both love travelling and meeting new people and we've found that the best way to really get to know a place and it's people is not as a tourist, but over an extended period of time.
House sitting gives us a chance to see more of the world at a lower cost (no rent) than we might normally experience. After all, why not stay 'foot loose, and fancy free' for a while longer; there are too many wonderful places we haven't seen yet!
Of course we each have different skills, but between us we probably have most of the capabilities you are looking for. I (Peter) have owned several homes in the US (suburban Minneapolis) and have lots of experience with maintenance (in and outdoors) and light repair (electrical/plumbing/carpentry/appliance). Over the years I've had many dogs, cats and rabbits. If needed I feel confident I could manage to learn to care for other pets (horses? ducks?...).
Lek grew up on a farm in rural Thailand, so of course she has a wide array of skills as you'd expect.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nattaphon (Lek) Thammasen, Therapist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jennifer l.

Brighton, United Kingdom - Dezember 2018

I want to thank Pete and Lek once again for taking such good care of my house and two dogs, and for having such a stress free holiday. From the get go Pete kindly offered us a lift to the airport which is around 40km, he also picked us up on our return. We also extended our holiday by an extra 2 nights which he was more than happy to stay the extra time for us. Pete also kept us informed regularly with photos of my pups which was very reassuring. The house was very clean on our return and Pete had kindly fixed a few electrical fixtures and fans for us which I’m very grateful for. The dogs were more than taken care of and were sad to see them leave. Thank you once again and I really hope in the future you’d be more than happy to come and stay again :)

Erica w.

Chiang Mai, Thailand - Mai 2018

Peter and Lek were great! Peter has super handy and helped with a couple items in my house that needed replacing and even picked me up from the airport upon my return. Peter and Lek took great care of my dogs and kept me well informed while I was away.

Annick v.

St-Malo, France - März 2018

Mon chat avait un problème de santé et Lek s'est très bien occupé de lui. Elle lui donnait son traitement avec attention. Pete donnait des nouvelles de mes animaux.

Sylvie T.

Dinard, France - Juli 2017

Pete et sa compagne ont vraiment été de bons gardiens . Ils ont su faire face a une grande surprise , notre chienne a mis bas 6 petits ! Nous rentrons 2 mois après et tout va bien . La maison et le jardin sont en parfait état. Pete a su communiquer chaque fois que nécessaire ! Nous ferons a nouveau appel a eux dans le futur !

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