Lars b.

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Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Lars b.

Key Account Manager

About Us

We are a couple since three years now and living together in Hamburg, Germany.
Daria is working as an integration companion and helps handicapped people to find a good job.
After working for a big company in Berlin, Lars and a friend started an own Business, shooting professional Videoclips for different companies.
We both love to travel, collect new experiences and get to know new people.
We are two creative souls who like to write, paint and make music.
Be love nature in all of it´s facets. We are gaining our inspiration out of it.

Why we want to house sit

We want to start a take off for minimum 12 month before we get kids, old & all that beautiful stuff :-).

For us, house keeping is a very good way to travel and get away from our normal city life but also have a solid home to stay and feel good. We enjoy beeing a part of another culture and not just travelling from one location to another.

What we bring to the assignment / relevant experience

We both have experiences with house keeping in Germany, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Australia (Lars) and Kirgisia (Daria).
The most of those house sittings we took care of pets, did cleaning the house and different kind of gardening.

Pet Experience
Lars is a pet lover since.. he was born. In his own home he took care of cats, fish, turtles and different rodents. His first pocket money he earned by goin out with different kind of dogs in the neighbourhood and taking care of them. Because of his love for travelling he never had a good option to give a dog an own home. He got a few experiences with farm animals cause of his uncles farm where he often spend time on holidays.
Daria was raised together with a cat and a dog so the careful collequial is a part of her life.
Her parents also had a few farm animals like chicken and a cow .

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Daria, occupational therapist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Russisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patricia M.

กทม, Thailand - Januar 2018

I truly enjoyed sharing my home and family with Lars and Daria. They were very respectful, engaging, and responsible. The care they provided for my three pets was exceptional. My pets were so at ease with them. They are kindred souls who will take great care of your home with incredible detail. Happy travels my friends!

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