Jane r.

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Lafayette, California, United States


Über Jane r.

64 Jahre alt | Realtor

My name is Jane, I am a British 57 year old woman living in Northern California very close to San Francisco. I am now a US citizen and have been living in the USA for 16 years. I am taking life a little easier these days and finding time to go back to doing more travelling. I still have an elderly mum along with a sister living in England so I plan to be there for a couple of months this summer.
I was raised growing up with animals, dogs & lots of cats, both my sisters have animals, one with a dog "Maggie" and the other "her babies" cats named Toby & Bones. I love animals but I also know how committed you have to be to having them. I took care of Maggie for 6 months last year I was devastated when she left to go back home but commitment free, so I now enjoy theirs instead....
As I wrote this profile I asked myself what I would want to know about someone who would be living in my own home so here go's.
Am I a responsible person?. If I came home to water coming out under the kitchen sink do I know that I should switch the water off immediately, am a clean person and take care of my things, would I have a TV blasting late into the night up setting my neighbors. So the answer is yes I own my own homes and i would expect that they treat my homes as I would treat yours with respect, basically I would say that I have lots of common sense I am reliable & trust worthy and I hope to be considered your perfect house guest.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Troy Cofer, Electrician, Ehepartner / Partner
Andrea Rose, Administration, Bruder / Schwester

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Laura c.

Servoz, France - Oktober 2019

Jane recently took care of our beagle, bengal and home in central London. She was adaptable when our date had to be moved forward due to air strikes. I felt assured when meeting Jane that our pets and home would be in safe hands which was confirmed when we returned to happy pets and a tidy home. Her communication leading up to and throughout the stay was perfect. I would happily recommend Jane to anyone looking for a reliable house sitter. Thanks for everything, Jane!

Béatrice g.

Nantes, France - September 2019

Jane et son compagnon Troy sont arrivés à la maison la veille de notre départ, ce qui nous a permis de faire connaissance. Nous avons passé un moment très agréable en leur compagnie et avons eu le temps de bien leur présenter notre maison et nos animaux. Cela nous a permis de voyager avec l'esprit libre en ayant toute confiance en eux.


August 2019

Jane est une formidable amie des chats, expérimentée et tout à fait digne de confiance. À recommander.

Chantal r.

Montpellier, France - Juni 2019

Jane Rose s'est super bien occupée de mon chat Oups! et a passé je crois un très bon séjour chez moi. Elle m'a donné régulièrement des nouvelles ce que j'ai apprécié !

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