Molly t.

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Washington, District of Columbia, United States


Über Molly t.

Technology Consultant

I am an animal-loving tech design geek looking for medium to long house sits anywhere in the world!

After years of tech consulting, I am looking for a change of pace to expand my horizons and pursue my dreams all while travelling the world. I have an adventurous gene in my DNA and I'm looking to gain experience, learn about new cultures, and meet interesting people while travelling. I love to research and design user experiences for online websites and phone apps. Currently, this is just a side hobby, so I am taking a sabbatical from work to focus on developing these skills. I have the ability to work/learn anywhere which allows me a lot of time to care for your home and always be there for your pets. I understand the peace of mind having ones homes and furry members of the family safely and respectably looked after and I'm hoping I can bring that to you.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Hilary f.

Cologne, Germany - September 2017

Molly watched my dog and house while I was on holiday. My dog got a little sick while I was away and Molly took great care of her and kept me informed about Hassy's status while I was half-way around the world. She was a trustworthy, thoughtful and competent pet and house-sitter and I would definitely recommend her if you need someone to look after your pet and/or home.

Magalie R.

Vitry-sur-Seine, France - August 2017

Molly est très sympathique et autonome. Merci beaucoup et bon voyage !

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