Roxanne P.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Roxanne P.

54 Jahre alt | Film maker, musician, human rights lawyer, animals rights advocate, environmentalist, writer | Als Familie

We are Roxanne and Nikita - an artistic family of mother and son from Australia. We are filmmakers, musicians, travelers, animal lovers and vegans. My son Nikita is almost 14. We love animals. We are used to care about bunnies, dogs, cats, birds, horses, and even turtles. We used to volunteer in turtles conservation in September-October 2022 in Mexican Riviera Maya. We just finished our tour through Mexico where we screened our documentary filmed there - "One Day with Doctor Sergio". Our film took part in 44 festivals and won 9 awards. Trailer for the film is on our YouTube channel Golden Salamander Talks here
So, our last Mexican visit was dedicated to filmmaking, turtles conservation, and included housesit in Michoacan.
We used to sit with dogs, cats, birds, and horses in Australia. And even with a pet pig adopted by kind Australian lady.
Now we are working on postproduction stage of our next films. I'm also running online business, working online and writing a book. Nikita is studying online. We are playing guitars and singing. We are worldschooling family - we travel the World and explore it.
House sitting is a perfect chance to explore new cultures, enjoy other people's pets and have peace of independent work and study at home. House sitting is an absolutely perfect solution for us - we can enjoy interaction with pets, travel and explore and work/study.
We are vegan, so we don't cook a lot. We care about pets and homes like of our own.
I can provide references from those people for whom we were house sitting. We have experience with our own bunnies, birds and fish. I have more than twenty years' experience with dogs and cats - I had a lot of them before I moved to Australia. We love animals very much and really enjoy caring of pets. Your pets will be happy and healthy with us.

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Nikita, 15 Jahre alt, child, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


virginie R.

Grasse, France - August 2024

Roxanne et Nikita sont joyeux, curieux des villes alentours. J'ai eu des nouvelles fréquemment. Merci à vous Roxanne et Nikita 💐.

Michèle I.

Paris, France - August 2024

Roxanne est très sympathique et elle s’occupe remarquablement des animaux, en l’occurrence de mes deux chats qu’elle a très vite séduits. Aucune perte non plus du côté des nombreuses plantes sur la terrasse. Son fils est lui aussi très agréable. Tous deux ont une âme d’artiste et sont très gais. Je les recommande chaleureusement.

Stéphanie m.

Paris, France - August 2023

Roxanne et Nikita se sont très bien occupés de Gaston, qui avait l'air très à l'aise avec eux ! J'ai eu des nouvelles très régulièrement et je me suis sentie très en confiance de leur laisser Gaston et l'appartement toute la semaine. Je recommande !

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