Chelsea d.

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London, England, United Kingdom


Über Chelsea d.

34 Jahre alt | Travel Expert


I'm Chelsea, originally from North Wales but now working in London. I spent 10 years working in TV and Radio - from University Challenge to making documentaries for the BBC World Service - and on the side started a travel business.

Well, it got to a point in September 2021 that the travel side got too busy! And so now I work solely in that industry as an expert and commentator for UK radio, press and TV and across my own website and social channels. I've always been travel obsessed and so it's great to be able to turn that into a full time job where I can work from anywhere!

I love home sitting and love the community aspect - it also gives me a chance to have pets for a while as we're not allowed them in our London rental! My favourite so far was looking after a cat called Biscotte in Paris and also looking after an amazing house in Germany over New Year.

My partner James usually comes along with me - he works in radio as a producer on a popular live breakfast show here in the UK - and we often use the stay as a chance for us to work on our personal projects and explore the area.

We're clean, tidy and respectful houseguests - James and I have used airbnb and hosted people ourselves for many years, so we're only too aware of how important it is to trust the person you let in your house.

Looking forward to speaking to you in the future!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
James Robinson, 36 Jahre alt, Radio Producer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Ulm, Germany - Januar 2019

Chelsea and James have been excellent housesitters! Extremely friendly, reliable, committed, just great! Would love to see them again in our house. Thanks!!!!

Irène j.

Colombes, France - September 2017

Chelsea (et son ami James) sont des homesitters que je recommande vivement ! Très chaleureux et très sympathiques, ils ont donné régulièrement des nouvelles de notre chat, ont laissé une maison propre lors de leur départ. Ils sont très débrouillards et l'on peut compter sur eux !

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