Kimberly l.

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Kimberly l.

writer | Allein

Pets are a *huge* part of my life. I’ve never not had a cat and/ or dog with whom to share my space (and often my bed!) For years I have been a volunteer at our local no-kill shelter, and I have been a pet-sitter/ dog walker for many neighbors and friends over the years. I cannot imagine a life without a dog or cat.

Almost as huge a part of my life are my husband and 2 teenage kids. ; ) As fabulous as they are, all 3 are homebodies, so that when I travel (which I do extensively) it’s usually solo.

Being a pet caretaker fits my life perfectly. I’m able to meet interesting people and get to take care of wonderful pets, who in turn keep me company while I hike (I’m looking at you, large-breed dogs!) or go on long walks, while others (cue the cats) are remarkable snuggle companions while I read or watch international independent films (my favorite indoor pastimes).

Personality-wise I’m a very respectful, eco-conscious, tidy and quiet (noise-wise) woman who knows that the simple things are what matter most. I love nature, trekking, trains, and I never say no to a cup of coffee. And yes—if it’s okay with you, pets on the bed are always ok with me! :)

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Carmen A.

Paris, France - September 2024

Kimberly was a perfect pet sitter, She gave me news frequently, took very good care of my cat and my plants, and left the apartment as clean as it was. I recommend her, you won’t regret it.

Pauline C.

Strasbourg, France - Juli 2022

We had to cancel our trip to London because our cat Misti wasn't doing well. As everything was settled with Kimberly, we offered to host her but as Misti was getting worse, Kimberly decided to sleep at a hotel instead. We've lost our cat but Kimberly has been very kind and supportive. I'm sure she would have been a great sitter to Misti and it's a shame we met under such circumstances. Thank you Kimberly.

Corina f.

Zürich, Switzerland - August 2021

Kimberly took very good care of my cat, my plants and the apartment. She is a very nice person, very reliable and I would be happy to gain her as a home sitter next time again!

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