Christine n.

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Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia


Über Christine n.


We are a retired Australian couple who are happy to housesit anywhere in the world. And we have!!
Our names are Robert and Christine, known as Rob and Chris, and we are currently travelling in Australia. We have a small caravan and are able to travel wherever we want and we would love to come and look after your home, furry friends and/or garden.
We have been housesitting for many years and in 2017-18 travelled extensively throughout Europe looking after pets along the way.
We love housesitting as we see it as a way for all parties to benefit. For you - your pets will be much happier in their own home than left in kennels, your home is safe and secure while you are away, rather than being left empty and your garden will be well tended.
For us - we get to travel to amazing places and enjoy the company of gorgeous pets and to have a nice place to stay for a few weeks. We love pets and gardening and now that we no longer have our own it is wonderful to share! And, by the way we are both great housekeepers.
We are both extremely healthy and fit and active so will be able to do whatever is required in your home or on your property. We love going for walks together but it is always better to have one or more 4 legged companions. We have owned many pets over the years - both dogs and cats as well as farm animals.
We have completed over 30 housesits in Australia, England, Ireland, Wales, France, Italy and Morocco. We have previously housesat on rural properties, city homes and suburban houses, looking after both young and older dogs, cats, cattle, chickens and other birds. We have an ongoing friendship with several of our ‘housesit owners’. We are at home looking after houses in the city, country, beach ....anywhere really! Having grown up on a farm, Rob is very capable with livestock, dams, pumps, fences etc so a rural property is right up his alley! We have had our own small property, nine hectares, where we raised a few beef cattle, had chickens and a substantial vegetable garden. Rob is a great handyman with the ability to fix pretty much anything. Chris is a great homemaker and cook, loving to have everything spick and span all the time. Your house will be spotless when you return and your pets will be happy . She has experience with show dogs so knows how to keep your furry friends looking their best. Together, pets and gardening are our passions. We had a very substantial vegetable garden at our home and also have experience with flower gardens,

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Robert, 64 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Perrine c.

Boissy-Saint-Léger, France - August 2017

Rob et Chris sont des personnes extra ! Nous avons beaucoup échangé pendant mon absence et ils m'envoyaient de temps en temps des photos d'Elko avec eux. Ils ont pris grand soin de ma maison et de mon chien et ont même tondu la pelouse !!! Quelle joie de rentrer chez soi et de se voir accueillir par un dîner préparé et une maison toute belle! Ceci réchauffe le coeur, vraiment. Je recommande à mille pour cent Chris et Rob et suis ravie de ma première expérience Nomador. Une confiance absolue peut leur être accordée, sans hésiter. Merci pour tout.

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