Susanne t.

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Newton Abbot, England, United Kingdom


Über Susanne t.

63 Jahre alt | Registered Nurse/Social Worker/Charity Worker

Hello, My husband and I are entering retirement, he is a young 73 year old and I am 60 now and counting! We have brought up 5 boy's as sadly my husbands first wife died and so he had 2 young boys when we met. We now have 3 lovely girls in our family and 4 grandchildren. We live in beautiful Devon, very near the coast and Dartmoore. We love animals and have had up to 3 cat's at a time in our family. We also have a special Tortoise called Raindrop. We would like to enjoy times visiting other places, and would love the company of cat's or dog's. We have been responsible home onwers for many years and would look after your home to a very high standard. We do not smoke, but appreciate a little local wine.
We have been members of Nomador for several years and had built up a very good trust profile. Unfortunately our membership lasped due to Covid and its restrictions. We are now enjoying international travel again as restrictions have eased world wide.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Christopher, 75 Jahre alt, Retired Electronics Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


chantal B.

Polemarchi, Greece - September 2019

Quel plaisir de faire la connaissance de Susanne et Chris et de trouver en eux de nouveaux amis ! ils se sont parfaitement occupés des chats et m'ont donné régulièrement des nouvelles, ils m'ont chaleureusement accueillie à mon retour avec un bon repas et nous avons partagé d'excellents moments. J'espère les revoir très bientôt !

They did our house sit at VERY short notice after our arranged house sitters had to cancel at the last minute because of illness. I can thoroughly recommend them for any house sit. They cared for Humphrey our cat, looked after the garden and left the house spotlessly clean. They were friendly and communicated well with us while we were away. We would have no hesitation in asking them to house sit for us again.

Lucy h.

Montazeau, France - Juni 2018

We have been lucky to, once again, welcome Susanne and Chris in to our home to look after our dogs and cat and to keep an eye on our elderly relative. Once again they surpassed any expectations we had and have done a marvellous job of looking after everything for us and giving us total peace of mind whilst we were away. They are not just house sitters to us, they are very, very good friends. I cannot reiterate enough to anyone who is lucky enough to have them apply for a house sit that you should snap up the application immediately and say YES! They are brilliant house sitters and lovely people. Thank you both for everything xx


Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France - Mai 2018

Susanne et Chris forment un couple charmant, engageant qui d'emblée inspire la confiance. Ils ont aimé s'occuper de Manette et Soussou, ils ont apprécié notre maison et notre région leur a plu donc tout s'est très bien passé car ils sont autonomes et adaptables. De délicates attentions à notre retour furent appréciées et pour tout cela NOUS VOUS REMERCIONS.

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