Bella r.

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Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Über Bella r.

phd student

I'm currently working on my final year of PhD at the University of Nottingham. Since this is my final year, i would normally be spending most of my time doing research and writing thousands of words only to delete most of them and start over. Therefore, I'm pretty flexible as long as I have Internet access and also I would be 'home' mostly so there is never fear of leaving pets alone for more than a couple of hours max.

My mission last year was to travel whenever I can, however it happens, with whatever means I have! And I hope to continue this year as well!.

Ive been having cats my whole life and back home i have two cats (i.e;a black british short hair and a white bengal),but when i moved out and due to my nature of work (i was working as a Change Management Consultant), i left them with my parents. But ocassionally whenever I am not going for out station, I would be sitting for our family cats whenever my parents are on a vacation. I also occasionally will take care of my neighbour cat and plants whenever he's flying (he's an air host). Therefore i know how importance these are to you.

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Lisa k.

Paris, France - August 2017

Bella was amazing with our two cats : they feel really well with her and were happy over the 3 weeks we left them, with the same habits as usual. Bella sent us regularly pictures and videos, gives them a lot of hugs and played with them. Moreover, the house was cleaned when we came back and she prepared a wonderful dinner for our return. I recommend Bella for her kindness and her involvment

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