Veronique d.

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Bruges, Flanders, Belgium

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Veronique d.

62 Jahre alt | Teacher

We are a couple in our late fifties, non-smokers, married for 35 years. In our younger days, we travelled extensively throughout Europe and the USA, with an international, educational group. We stayed in hostfamilies so we are used to staying in different houses, countries, and adapting to different customs. As our children are out of the house, we try to spend our free time on travelling again. Both of us are still working. As a teacher, I have two months of summer vacation. My husband has three weeks of. We used to have a lovely cat, Loebas ( died at 18 years old) and when we were young, my husband and I both had dogs and would look forward on making walks with the dogs we might be able to look after...So far, we travelled and stayed mostly in Airbnb's ( where you can find reviews about who we are) we also spent quite a lot of time at my brothers house in France, where we did house-sitting, taking care of the house,pool,...although amongst family. We had a great experience at our first homesit trough Nomador. You can find the review on this page. We like a tidy house and would treat your house as if it were our own. We are atracted to the idea of house-sitting, to live as 'a local' rarher than being a tourist. Having one or more pets to look after for, will only make that feeling stronger and will make our stay cosier...

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Eric, Export assistant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Annick d.

Toulouse, France - August 2017

Vraiment quel plaisir de découvrir ce mode de fonctionnement , Nous avons adoré accueillir et confier notre chat et notre maison à Veronique et Eric . Ce fut un lien très agréable et fort tout au long de notre absence . On a senti un plaisir chez eux aussi à apprécier notre maison notre région et surtout à prendre soin de notre Billy et jouer avec lui ; Je recommande mille fois en toute confiance et sérénité . Nous avons eu des nouvelles régulièrement par whatsapp et téléphone , photos etc et avons retrouvé notre minet aussi joyeux que quand nous étions parti. La maison impeccable et des petites douceurs en plus . Pour couronner le tout un bon cadeau dans un restaurant . Merci Merci mes amis , j'espère vraiment qu'on gardera un contact.

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