Sarah h.

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Über Sarah h.

Business Consultant

I'm a 33 year old HR professional with over five years of experience house sitting locally, and I am so excited for the opportunity to house sit internationally as well. Trust, reliability and peace of mind are values I hold dearly, and promise to provide you as your house sitter and pet sitter.

I am friendly, I like reading and I like seeing new places. In my spare time I play soccer and go for daily runs with my pup, Sienna. For travelling, I've been to Europe and the Caribbean, but haven't been to as many places as I'd like as I spent my 20s in school, completing an undergrad in Sociology and a Master's in Business Admin, and after school I immediately started working a large corporation in a professional capacity. I love the life I've set up but would like to see more of the world as well.

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Isabelle w.

Fort Myers Beach, United States - November 2018

Sarah was great. We felt very comfortable first the first time we talked and the dogs didnt miss us!! It is so nice to go away and not being worry. Updated us regularly. Took care of the plants, pool and the yard. I would recommend Sarah without and doubt and would be happy to have her back.

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