Eva & fab s.

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Krong Kampot, Kampot Province, Cambodia


Über Eva & fab s.

Hotel manager


We are a Family of 3 settled in Cambodia since 2 years now.
First of all, we are also "host" on Nomador, we also have house sitters while we are here, so we know what is it to trust someone and let him everything.
We are very respectful and clean, no bad surprise with us. We are a quiet family, no big party, quiet rythme, just looking for a simple quiet place...

We plan to visit Australia (and work a bit) for 6month (May to October, low season in Cambodia).

We have many skills in our suitcase:
-I (Eva) am very organized, i like to clean and to put the things at the right place, so don't worries about how you will find back your house :-)
-Fab is a good handyman, he can fix/build many things, you can have a look on his facebook page if you like : https://www.facebook.com/kampot.furnitures.3?fref=ts.
-We are passionate of permaculture principle and natural medecine, we enjoy gardening.
-At home we have a female dog with 3 puppies, so we feel very confortable with pets and our son too, he knows how to caress and be gentle with animals :-)

Hope we can have a good experience together !

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Fabien, cook/cameraman, Ehepartner / Partner
Noam, Baby, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Fabienne p.

Nantes, France - Oktober 2017

Maeva respecte ses engagements, notamment en termes de dates et laisse une maison propre à ses hôtes. Elle explique très bien le fonctionnement de la maison et de son environnement. Ses recommandations sont claires et la contacter pendant son absence est facile et rapide. Nous sommes ravis d'avoir fait la connaissance de Maeva, Fabien, Noam et Youncha bien sûr, et de notre séjour inoubliable à Kampot.

Logement de Eva & fab s.

Kampot Province, Cambodia

1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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