Vladimir t.

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Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation


Über Vladimir t.

Traveler, guide, photographer, freelancer.

My name is Vova. I'm a freelancer. In the past ambitious sales team (Medical Representative). Currently providing tour guide services. Also I am fond of photos (photographer). From his childhood I lived in my parents ' home with different animals (mostly dogs and cats). In my youth, I took courses on canine. Now often the sitter for Pets in the homes of my friends who are leaving, for example, in travelling (dog, cat, chinchilla, parrot). Me and my girlfriend Julia love animals and we are vegan. My girlfriend Julia has a higher education -organization management, worked as an expert - value, now a freelancer and writer. We love to travel. In Russia we are volunteers, we help the animals.Our purpose: to enjoy fellowship with your animals, to help you and see interesting places. For higher confidence, we are ready to send our pictures, photos with past experience seat with the animals and throw our profiles in Facebook.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
July, Writer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Russisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Elisabeth f.

Saint-Dizant-du-Gua, France - August 2017

Vova and Julia were marvellous for the cats, who are missing them now.

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