Imogen c.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia


Über Imogen c.

Arts Manager

Hello! We are a pair of Australian twenty-somethings who both work online and love to travel while we do so.

Imogen is a budding arts manager who loves all things creative and gets nerdy about business administration, and Josh tackles everything from sound engineering and production to software development. We're ideally looking for longer-term sits (min. 1 month).

We love animals and being in nature just as much as we love our laptops, we're vegetarians, and we are both very interested in sustainable living and treading as lightly on our planet as we possibly can. We're quiet and great at entertaining ourselves, but we're just as willing to cook a meal with friends and chat about the universe.

We can't wait to look after your house and furry friends while you take that well-earned break!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Josh, Freelance Designer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Berlin, Germany - Juli 2019

Imogen is the perfect house- and cat-sitter! I couldn‘ have imagined someone being more of a sweetheart than she is. She took perfectly care of our place and our plants, our cat seems to have had the happiest time, and on top Imogen always kept me updated with our mail. When I came home there were delicious cookies waiting for me! We met shortly before we started our trip, and I really loved spending the evening with Imogen and getting to know this radiant person a little. I haven‘t met Josh in person yet, but can only imagine him as adorable as her. Big recommendation!,

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