Mikael a.

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Bouc-Bel-Air, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France


Über Mikael a.

Travel Consultant

After 22 years spent in the US and traveling a lot for work and pleasure, I am looking for new adventures: A year to re-discover myself. My experience in tourism, property management and dealing with upscale clients staying in upscale properties (often rented villas) make me a perfect candidate for house sitting. Not attached to any family, single and without kids, I offer flexibility and immediate availability. I am extremely neat and organized in addition to having a great sense of responsibility towards others' personal property. I love pets and I am able to take care of dogs, cats, horses and birds. I have references available upon request.

I am an avid traveler. I enjoy writing about destinations and I use that to guide others in their search for unforgettable journeys. House sitting allows me to immerse myself into local cultures and environments, discover the region and make new friends.

As a previous homeowner of 3 heavily rented properties in Orlando (Florida) and as previous owner of an upscale property management company in Florida (32 properties), I have acquired a lot of experience fixing things, caring for homes of small and large sizes and ensuring that owners come home to a property in perfect condition. I am accustomed to servicing pools as well.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Martine M.

Brest, France - Juni 2015

Agréable, investi dans sa mission. Nous avons retrouvé une maison impeccable, nos chattes et nous-même gardons un bon souvenir. Martine M.

Caroline et Patrick B.

Loches, France - Mai 2015

Un grand merci Mikael pour votre gentillesse et votre sérieux, nous sommes juste un peu frustrés de ne pas avoir eu le temps de faire plus ample connaissance, nous espérons que ce n'est que partie remise...alors, à très bientôt! Caroline et Patrick

Harriet C.

Geneva, Switzerland - März 2015

J'ai pu partir sereine et tranquille en laissant mes chiens et ma maison aux bons soins de Mikael. Tout était parfaitement en ordre à mon retour et nous avons eu l'occasion d'un échange amical avant son départ. Cela m'a fait plaisir de faire sa connaissance et je souhaite beaucoup de succès et bonne chance à Mikael.

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