Maria h.

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Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Maria h.

Business English Teacher | Als Paar/Duo

Hello! We are an intellectually interested, trustworthy and reliable pet loving married couple with a daughter who has just left home to travel abroad. We love pets so that we would like to travel and take good care of them. We enjoy house and especially petsitting because it makes us feel happy and we like to give and get so much back from the animals in return.

We have recently completed our twentieth sit (two through this website) but mostle through another international website TrustedHousesitters where we have all excellent reviews. With pet sitting we visited the USA, France, Dubai, Switzerland even several times. And we are absolutely convinced of this win-win situation for the animals, the hosts and the sitters. Please, do not hesitate to get to know us and we would be really glad to get to know your pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Michael, Company lawyer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch | Russisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sonia b.

Alicante, Spain - April 2018

Maria H. and her family stayed in our house for one week in April 2018. This is our first experience with Nomador and it couldn't have been better. Maria is very responsible, and I could feel this from the two Skype conversations prior to their arrival. After having read the document I sent about how to take care of our dog and chickens, Maria asked many relevant questions and took notes. She takes her house sitting duties seriously! Unfortunately I did not meet them in person but my husband did, and he got a very good impression as well. During the week we communicated through Whatsapp almost every day. It was very reassuring to know that our house and animals were in good hands. Moreover, Maria & family left the house in perfect condition. We recommend them as house sitters, they were very responsible and careful!

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