Christina h.

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Appleton, Wisconsin, United States


Über Christina h.

39 Jahre alt | Student

Hello! I'm an easy-going and caring chica in her young 30's who absolutely loves seeing what the world has to offer. Currently I am in grad school at Northumbria University in Newcastle studying art conservation. I have never had my own pets but I have lived for several years with roommates who had dogs and cats. I could never say no to taking care of them when needed as they were just way too fun! I've always been quite independent (my mum says I woke up and got myself ready for kindergarten on time all on my own, every day!) so taking good care of your home and/or pets will be no issue for this solo traveler.

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Lucía p.

Schiltigheim, France - Januar 2019

Christina has absolutely been a great guest in our home, and our cat Mimi found her lovely as well! During the time we were away, Christina took care of our house as if it was her own. She also took care of Mimi, sending us regular updates, which gave us the peace of mind we needed to enjoy the Xmas holidays. When we came back, the house was perfectly clean and in order, and Mimi was happy and relaxed! We absolutely recommend her as a guest in your house and as a pet sitter!!

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