Dianne & mike k.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Über Dianne & mike k.

Travel Agent and Broadcaster

Well we have done it. The youngest has left the coop, leaving to pursue our dream of seeing the world. We have sold everything and are now on the road. We've been talking about doing this for many years and the stars have lined up.

We don't travel with a guide book. Rather, we tend to go where the wind might direct us. We have an affinity for small towns. Many of them are small gems with fascinating history and people. House sitting allows us to experience various regions, a bit more in-depth. Of course we are animal lovers and while we can't have any at the moment, we love looking after them.

We are fortunate enough to be able to do this in the prime of our lives. We are reliable, sensible non-partiers with good judgement. Of course we will do our best when given opportunities to house sit because good reviews will enable us to keep house sitting as a means to travel!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dianne , Travel agent, Ehepartner / Partner
Mike, Broadcaster, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Ciaran c.

Senneville, Canada - August 2020

It was our second time having Dianne and Mike as house-sitters, so obviously we already knew that they were great to have minding our house, cats and dog. They're very friendly to have over, keep the house safe and tidy while away and are conscientious in updating and making sure that everything is going well. Thanks again!

Ciaran c.

Senneville, Canada - Juli 2018

Had a very pleasant experience with Dianne and Mike; our cats were very content with them and they kept us updated throughout our trip. Otherwise, in the days around our trip when they stayed with us, they were very pleasant guests and the kids loved having them around. We'd be delighted to have them with us again if chance arises.

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