Karen L.

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Eden, New South Wales, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Karen L.

64 Jahre alt | retired flight attendant/cafe owner now full time housesitter - usually cats | Allein

I have recently retired from a career in hospitality. Starting as a hotel receptionist then 23 years as an international flight attendant and finally 10 years starting & running my own cafe and wholefoods business which I recently sold. Raised in the UK I emigrated to Australia 40 years ago. I commenced House Sitting prior to covid & returned to this lovely life post retirement 18 months ago! I now have many reviews on various sites including this one, Trusted Housesitters, Aussie Housesitters, Housesitters UK & Mindmyhome (profile is Older & Wiser). As both a traveller and owner of a property which I rent out when travelling, I also have numerous kind reviews on airbnb which may further help you be reassured I am a good fit for taking care of your home and pets.
I have lived on acreage in rural New South Wales for many years with various rescue dogs and cats, together with horses, sheep and chooks.
I have been deeply involved with my local community for the past couple of decades, organising fundraising events and social gatherings as my "why" is to create spaces & occasions to bring people together. Travelling, meeting new people and experiencing other cultures is my other passion although I also very much enjoy quiet time alone, especially if there is a sweet animal to cuddle up with! To keep my brain alert I have dusted off my schoolgirl French and have been doing daily lessons. I am not fluent by any means but will keep learning as I really enjoy it and hope to possibly move to France in the next few years.
Although light gardening would be fine, I would prefer not to mow lawns! I would be delighted to be entrusted with the care of your home and your beloved dogs/cats and other small animals!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Anna b.

London, United Kingdom - September 2018

Karen was an absolutely fantastic house sitter. She kept my house and garden immaculate while we were away - it was even more tidy when we returned than when we left! She took great care of our cats too and spent lots of time with them and sent us regular updates. . Karen is an honest, kind and friendly person who is very easy to communicate with and I would recommend her to anyone. Thank you Karen we loved having you to stay !

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