Hannah & joseph

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Bellingham, Washington, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Hannah & joseph

39 Jahre alt | ESL Teacher | Als Paar/Duo

We're a non-smoking married couple in our late 30s/early 40s. We love to travel and have been house sitting full time since November 2017. I am an ESL teacher and songwriter, and he is the CTO of a web development company. We love animals, languages, and learning about different parts of the world. We are clean, reliable, and respectful of your home, and Joseph is an amateur handyman that has owned a couple of houses, happy to help with any projects while we're there!

This is Joseph's (Joe's) company: https://montanab.com/ - here is a page with his bio: https://montanab.com/team/

Here is our little introduction video and a map of the places we have house sat if you would like to learn more!



We love to travel, but also need a stable and quiet place to work. We both work full time online, so we can work from anywhere. We figure that we may as well travel and see the world while working since we have the freedom to do so! House sitting works well for our lifestyle.

We have house sat before using a different website as well, TrustedHouseSitters, that is more popular in the UK. You can see our profile there, along with references: https://www.trustedhousesitters.com/house-and-pet-sitters/united-states/washington/seattle/l/602508/

We expect the unexpected! Here are just a few out of the ordinary things we have done for the people we have house sat for:

* Found and removed ticks from one of the dogs we were sitting.
* Painted an apartment in one city and a room in another city for the same person.
* Worked with real estate agents while on a 5 month long house sit to help the people get their house sold!
* Did some emergency baby sitting
* Successfully handled a sewage problem having to do with the city sewer lines.
* Managed a water leak from a neighbor’s upstairs flat.
* Drove our hosts to and from the airport.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joseph, 42 Jahre alt, CTO of web and mobile app development company, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch |

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Caroline h.

Madrid, Spain - September 2021

Joseph et Hanna sont très agréables. Ils prennent soin des animaux et de la maison. C’est avec grand plaisir que nous leur demanderions de revenir l’année prochaine. Je vous les recommande fortement !!!

Lina b.

Arnhem, Netherlands - November 2019

It was a real pleasure to have Hannah as a housesitter. Joseph stayed justed a few days in this periode so I mainly stayed in contact with Hannah. Hannah came few days before I left and we had a good time. When I left I had some troubles with a cancelled bus. Hannah helped me to catch an other bus. She send me some stuff I forgot. While I was gone we had frequent contact. I was a joy to see with how much pleasure Hannah discovered Arnhem. When I came home the house was upper clean, my fridge was filled and my bed was freshly made. And of course also Jason was taken well care of. I can highly recommend these two as housesitters and would be super happy if they want to sit my house again.

Ondine f.

Belvès, France - April 2019

This couple were amazing and I think our animals were a little disappointed when we came back to be honest. They sent us constant updates and took our dog Eddy to restaurants and on amazing walks. They are fun to talk to and vibrant and really enjoy their area and make the most of their stay. Would have them back anytime they wanted even for a holiday. Ondine, Laurent, Eddy and Lizzie

Jeremy & Katie D.

Duras, France - Februar 2018

Hannah and Joseph are fantastic house sitters! We've been welcoming house sitters into our home for 6 years now, and they are among the best. They truly went beyond the call of duty, and were unbelievably helpful and caring when, of all things, my baby arrived early. Despite the unusual circumstances, they continued to look after our home and pets while I was in hospital and Jeremy stayed with me. We ultimately had to cancel our trip because of the baby arriving (!) but they didn't complain for a second about their 6 week sit being shortened to 2 and a half weeks, and were very resourceful in finding a new sit to fill the gap. They took great care of our home and were faultless in the care of our animals. We missed them when they left, as did our cats and dogs who adored them. They will always have a special place in our hearts!

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