Camila s.

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CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Über Camila s.

29 Jahre alt | Investigator

I'm an enthusiastic traveller and an animal lover, I love travelling but my missing part is my pet, through this platform you can have it all and help someone that wants to travel too, I'm really responsible and love seeing the world, really organized and energetic. I have house sitted and pet sitted in Mexico, Spain and Cambodia. Look forward to meeting your little friend and hope you enjoy your travels carefree knowing that your pet is in good hands!!

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Englisch | Spanisch

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Xenia s.

New York, United States - März 2019

Camila enabled me a great holiday and stayed at my place with my two devilish cat queens for around two tweeks. She really did okay at my place and with my cats and I am glad that I made my first Nomador experience with her visit :)

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