Esterlaine a.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Guimaraes, Braga, Portugal


Über Esterlaine a.

59 Jahre alt | lawyer

We are a couple in our 50s and love travelling.
We still work, but we have some free time during the year that we take advantage of to know the world.
I'm a lawyer and a condominium manager . Jair is an administrator and we also have a blog that talks about cars . We have a house, lots of plants, we already had dogs and cats and now we have cockatiels.
We love plants and animals, we are very careful and also very aware of the responsibility that is looking after other people belongs and pets.
This is the first time we have participated in a house sitting platform, but we have always succeeded in everything we set out to do and we are sure that we will succeed as house sitters as well.
You can get some information about my professional life at :

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jair, administrator, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Karina e eduardo

Florianópolis, Brazil - Juni 2018

A Ester e o Jair foram maravilhosos com nossos passarinhos, cuidaram muito bem da casa também. Todo dia mandavam vídeos e nos mantinham informados sobre eles. A casa estava limpinha, organizada e acabamos fazendo uma linda amizade. Nós recomendamos muito esse casal, eles são responsáveis e muito simpáticos. Espero ver eles novamente um dia. Meus bebês sentiram muito a falta deles no dia seguinte. Parabéns Ester e Jair pelo lindo trabalho, espero que vocês rodem o mundo com esse programa. Vocês merecem! Beijos de Kah, Du, Grudinho, Kika, Luna e Pituco


Mai 2018

Ester et Jair sont très amicaux . Ils ont su apprivoiser ma chatte assez sauvage . Ils m'ont donné régulièrement des nouvelles (mails et vidéos) . J'ai retrouvé l'appartement comme je l'avais laissé. Une première expérience pour eux comme pour moi réussie.

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