Jan p.

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Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain


Über Jan p.

Aviation Safety Consultant

We are a Belgian Spanish couple, we have been married for 5 years and up until now have been living in Valencia, Spain.
I am an international consultant in safety management (mainly working with airlines, mines, industry) my job can be done remotely or with short periods of travel. I speak fluent English, Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese and Dutch. I am a pretty resourceful guy and am used to solve problems around the house and garden. In my youth I attended horticultural school so I am pretty sure I can handle basic gardening duties :) I have extensive experience with dogs, my dad is a dogsitter and I have seen, walked and cared for most breeds. At my parents place we always had dogs (Labrador, Doberman, and now a Malinois Shepard). Cats and small farm animals are no problem either.
Unfortunately we can't have dogs at home but we both love them so a dog sitting assignment would be great. We consider having a dog on a walk a plus!

My wife Ledys has a PhD in sustainable chemistry and works on projects remotely. She is a neat freak and very picky about keeping the house clean (check out our Airbnb profile for references)

Why do we want to housesit?
We took advantage of the fact that we did not have commitments in Valencia for a while and decided to give up the appartment, put our stuff in storage and travel.
We love travelling but we need a temporary base to work a few days / weeks straight (I make online courses and do online coaching, Ledys needs a quiet place to write).
We are mainly interested in experiencing other regions in France, Spain and Portugal to see what it is like to live there.
We have a car and are game for any assignment in Spain or Portugal, even South of France is no problem. Winter assignments in the mountains are also high on our wish list.

We are experienced housesitters, and have done a few housesits through Nomador.

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Ledys, PhD candidate Chemistry, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Denise et Hillel D.

Montpellier, France - September 2018

Après une absence de plus de 15 jours ,nous avons retrouvé notre maison et le jardin en excellent état Bravo à Jan et à Ledys , Notre petit chien Miky lui aussi est en pleine forme Nous recommandons ce jeune couple sympathique

Marie-paule b.

Galapian, France - Oktober 2017

Très contents de notre collaboration. Contact facile et amical. Nous avons retrouvé une maison hyper propre, notre petite Jazzy très sereine preuve qu'elle ne s'est pas ennuyée, le jardin nickel. Ils ont su parfaitement prendre soin de nos hôtes pendant une semaine et nous ont donné régulièrement des nouvelles avec photos. A recommander les yeux fermés.

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