Teresa h.

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Lappeenranta, Finland


Über Teresa h.


I'm 42 years old mother and my son is 11 years old.We like to travel when we've holidays.We're very kind and and with good manners.I've worked before in Italy as a dogsitter for four dogs,I've looked after many animals.I grew up in the country side and we had all kind of animals as a pets from lambs to smaller animals.I've also worked as a au pair and my duties were also house keeping and cleaning.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Oliver, Student, Kind

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Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Basia p.

Barcelona, Spain - Januar 2018

My stay in Teresa's home was a truly wonderful experience, first of all because the cats were such great company, and Teresa left me a notebook with very detailed instructions for taking care of them. In addition to that, she took a lot of steps to make sure that my stay was comfortable, from having her mother meet me at the train station to providing winter sports equipment for me to use, to putting me in touch with her local friends whom I could contact in case of emergency or just if I wanted company. Her home was immacuately clean, well heated and superbly decorated. In fact, she has such a flair for decorating that I hope she follows her dream of becoming an interior decorator. The way she transformed the flat into a beach-like atmosphere with soft, warm lighting and so many unique touches really brought a lot of light to the long, dark winter nights. Once we had confirmed that I would be catsitting for her, Teresa kept in touch regularly so that I almost felt that I knew her by the time we met. She also kept in touch during her trip, so I always felt supported. Teresa, I wish you and Oliver and the kitties the very best of luck for your exciting future plans! I hope we will keep in touch. -Basia

Logement de Teresa h.

, Finland

3 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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