Orla S.

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Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Orla S.

44 Jahre alt | Typist | Als Paar/Duo

We are a reliable, trustworthy, mature and flexible couple from Ireland. We both run our own online business and we are currently saving for a house which will take a few years. We like the idea of helping people feel safe in the knowledge their home and pets are well looked after while enjoying the benefits of experiencing new places and gathering design/decor ideas for our own home! We love to travel so house sitting is an ideal match to our lifestyle. Always house and pet sitting for friends and family when they travel for holidays and work - we are their first choice each time! At the moment we live with Neil's mother and we house and dog sit for her when she is away. You can check out our blog if you like to see where we've been. It's only in its infancy but we hope to continue to develop it over the next few years and share our experiences with people - www.allthewaysyouwander.com

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Neil, 42 Jahre alt, Photographer/Videographer, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Tess a.

Olhos de Água, Portugal - Dezember 2017

I was soooo incredibly blessed to have found Neil & Orla on Nomador! They were exactly the couple I was looking for for my rather unusual assignment. I needed to have some furniture bought & assembled & have the place decorated for a photoshoot for a listing. Neil & Orla went above and beyond in the way they communicated with me, the favours they did, the effort they put in! Neil is a professional photographer who sent me the most incredible photos for my new listing! Orla’s eye for detail is simply impressive as she decorated my home so beautifully - it was beyond what I could have imagined and hoped for. They have been soooo helpful, friendly and really a pleasure to host! They will forever have a home in the beautiful Algarve. I do recommend them as your pet- & housesitters 100%% - they are 100%% trustworthy (I regularly sent money to have things purchased & repairs done and they kept me informed about everything that was going on - i do trust them blindly!), 100%% reliable & easy-going (nothing and i mean nothing seems to be too much effort for them and they always do what they say they would do - it’s rare to find people that are so reliable actually...), 100%% adorable & likeable (they are just the sweetest couple ever!). All in all - the best experience ever with the best housesitters in the world!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!

Sarah w.

Valletta, Malta - November 2017

Highly recommend Orla and Neil, They did a great job looking after my dog and cat. Got regular updates and photos of my furry kids. Came home to a clean house, happy kids and a hot meal. What more could you ask for? Really hope they can come back to sit for us next year.

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