Jan P.

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Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Jan P.

62 Jahre alt | Lawyer/writer | Als Paar/Duo

We are a friendly, responsible couple (non-smokers, empty-nesters, I'm a non-practicing lawyer, my husband used to be a healthcare professional) who appreciate that you are looking for secure, reliable, personalised care for your home and your pets. We are particularly keen to improve our French language skills (so longer term house-sits in France or Quebec would be great!) We moved to Canada about 15 years ago but still try to spend time in Europe every year. (We are EU/Canadian/Irish passport holders)
As animal lovers and former pet owners (our rescue dog, George, was with us for 18 years) we appreciate that getting the right people to look after YOUR furry friends is one of your most important considerations and we're here to help! We also understand the in-and-outs of owning a home (we've been property owner for over 30 years including rural and multi-acre properties) and the peace of mind reliable house-sitters can provide.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Brian, 68 Jahre alt, Retired IT Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Katia b.

Aix-en-Provence, France - Januar 2020

Jan and Brian are amazing petsitter/housesitter. They stayed almost a month taking care of our 2 dogs and our old cat. They are really trustfull and good people. They took care of our animals and our house like if it was theirs. They had a very good bond with the animals. We had very often news and photos from them. We highly recommend them and would love to have them again. We will never be able to thank you enough, we count have better then you. Thank you for everything Katia and Marine

Annie g.

La Chapelle-aux-Bois, France - Juli 2018

Malgré la barrière de la langue, nous avons pu nous comprendre et partager de bons moments ( entre autre gastronomiques) avant de partir pour notre séjour. Jan, Brian et leur fils se sont bien occupés de nos animaux et de la serre potagère et ont apprécié la maison et son environnement pour se reposer. La maison était en parfait état à notre retour, linge de lit lavé, c'était parfait. Nous les recommandons pour leur sérieux et leur gentillesse et nous pouvons avoir une totale confiance en eux..

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