Melanie a.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Über Melanie a.

50 Jahre alt | Video director

10 Reasons Why We Are The Best House (and Pet!) Sitters on This Site!

1. We are a highly responsible, professional couple who are 100% trustworthy, down to earth, sincere and friendly.

2. Having grown up with, and taken care of lots of animals, we go above and beyond, caring for your pets as if they were our own.

3. We work from home, so we are able to give loving attention to your pets and look after your home 24/7!

4. We are quiet, non-smokers who like to go to bed early - so your neighbours won't hear a peep from us!

5. We are fit and healthy, so your animals will get all the exercise they need.

6. We are very neat people and will keep your home spotless.

7. We are extremely well organised and will follow any special instructions to the tee... including administering any required medication or special attention.

8. No job phases us... be it to do with your pet or home... we are happy to carry out any maintenance or up-keep.

9. When possible, we like to meet with home-owners in person before the house-sit to go through any special requirements and to start bonding with their furry friend(s).

10. We always stay in touch with our home-owners whilst they are away, sending updates and photos to ease any separation anxiety.

You can truly relax on your trip, knowing that your home, possessions and precious pet(s) are extremely well looked after.

Come back to a fresh, clean home, and a pampered, healthy and super happy pet!

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Matthew, 46 Jahre alt, Internet marketer, Ehepartner / Partner

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Stéphan d.

Barbizon, France - Juli 2018

Nice couple ... very enjoy of there stay with us ... You can trust them -- everything was ok.

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