Linda g.

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Bethany, Connecticut, United States


Über Linda g.

Librarian & Social Worker

We are a Franco-American couple living in Connecticut, USA. We have both recently retired; I was a librarian in an elementary school and my husband a social worker. We plan to spend some months in France and perhaps other areas of Europe or Morocco during the winter months after spending the Christmas holiday with our three grown children.
We have experience with dogs and cats, and like the interaction with furry friends and the connections to a community a house and petsit offer. Claude is handy and so basic maintenance is not a problem for us.
Our other interests are walks and hiking, as well as art.
I have had several very successful housesitting experiences in the US through another site (and can provide references). We also cat and house sat together in Normandy last winter. I spend some of my time as a volunteer with an international non-profit as well as on occasional historic restoration projects. Claude is a fantastic cook, biker and woodworker.
We are in our mid-sixties and quite active physically. We spent part of a recent summer finishing the hike, Tour du Mont Blanc. I would describe us as curious, adaptable, very respectful and responsible. We also have a side that is quieter, enjoying reading, films and music.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Claude, Social Worker (retired), Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Isabelle g.

Tessy-Bocage, France - März 2018

Claude et Linda sont charmants et nous avons passé une très bonne soirée à échanger avec eux. A notre retour, la maison est impeccable et notre chatte se porte à ravir. Ce sont de très bons home-sitters que je recommande sans hésitation.

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