Kathy h.

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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Über Kathy h.

Singer-Songwriter Jazz

I am an original member of the team that established the 'Animal Aunts' agency in the 1990's (Southeast Region of the UK), now a Jazz singing dog and cat whisperer! Therefore, as well as having grown up with pets, I have gained extensive experience with various placements in the greater London metropolitan area, and specifically looked after a neighbours terriers (5 over a 10 year time period), including feeding, house training, kennel transport, walkies and vet visits.

Also, I have undertaken extensive tasks caring for cats and kittens, including weaning onto wet food.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to expand on the limited experience I have handling horses which I gained in 2015 over a 6 month period through a brief friendship with an English ex-pat who bred American Quarter horses (rode bareback to and from grazing area and the house, and also fed and watered field horses as well).

Currently, I am living with an older adopted cat who has proved to still be very much a kitten, and am looking forward to moving to a 'casita' next Spring and expanding my 'pack'.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nina s.

Barcelona, Spain - August 2018

I am super happy about the possibility to get to know Kat and that she could take care of the cats, the plants and the rest of my flat. There was literally no explaination needed regarding the what-to-do and how-to-do. She has great empathy with the cats - and I really could enjoy the holidays without worries. Thank you so much! Nina


Barcelona, Spain - Juli 2018

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