Marcel G.

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Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Marcel G.

65 Jahre alt | Logistics, finance, observation

Marcel Gareau is a semi-retired person employed in logistics in north western north America. He has been responsible for various projects from junior judicial issues, secretary to Supreme Court judge of Yukon territory, consulting in budgeting, statistical analysis and public involvement processes. He has attended school in 3 nations and 2 different continents. Graduate of Alaska State University. He has lived and work extensively in Juneau, Alaska, the amazon basin of Bolivia including the high Andes/La Paz and election observations missions in eastern Europe.
Marcel presently lives and operates a bed and breakfast in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. In spite of several overseas travels, assignments and missions, for the last 40 years, Whitehorse has been his home base.

In short, I am semi-retired. I work for pleasure. I work logistics to extremely remote areas of north western Canada. I have worked overseas on several occasions. I studied in Caracas, Venezuela, USA and Canada, etc. Madidi Amazon Travel is my web site, OSCE, CIDA, Forum of Federations, CUSO and the Yukon department of justice. I love people, community life and culture.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Serge et angeline r.

Pierreville, Canada - April 2020

Malheureusement le sejour de Marcel a été annulé a cause du coronnavirus , mais les échanges avec Marcel furent très sympa, et sans nul doute cela ce serait bien passé ....a une autre fois qui sait ....

Delia l.

Johannesburg, South Africa - Januar 2020

Marcel was careful to follow all instructions provided and arrived early to make sure he understood everything that was required of him. Even though Marcel admitted his preference for dogs, our two cats were well cared for, their routine was maintained, and they were in good condition when we came home. Marcel initially struggled with our security system, but once he mastered it, there were no further issues. He took pride in the maintenance of our swimming pool, which we appreciated as our regular pool guy did not arrive over the festive season. Marcel is a mature, capable person who took seriously his responsibility of being our house-sitter. Thank you Marcel!

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