Deborah o.

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Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia


Über Deborah o.

54 Jahre alt | Technical Writer

Taking care of what is precious to you...

I have my own petsitting website here:

I am a 48 year old single woman who adores animals. I do not smoke or drink alcohol. I have done 11 previous house sits and am happy to supply housesitting references and a recent Police Clearance Certificate.

I have always loved animals and had my own pets in the past. My last pet, a cat named Tiss, passed away last year. I would love to have another pet but because I am travelling it is not practical. Since I miss the company of pets, and am not in a position to get my own, housesitting pets is an ideal option.

I am an avid traveller and I love the company of pets. And so the house sitting lifestyle suits me. It allows me to live like a local in new environments. I house sit to try out life in a new destination and to meet a wide range of pets and people, and further my life experiences. As a housesitter I have met some wonderful homeowners and their pets. And the experiences I have had have been fulfilling and rewarding.

I do some work on my laptop and also am busy learning Spanish so I need a reasonable internet connection.

I enjoy caring for animals so you can rest assured that your pets will be in good hands and loved up. I also enjoy walking, gardening and reading. I take pride in my home and am very clean and tidy. Your home would be secure and respected at all times.

Please get in touch if you would like to know more, meet or chat on the phone.

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Maria n.

London, United Kingdom - Juli 2019

It was lovely meeting Deborah and having her look after our cat Kaori. She was sending us updates with photos and we saw from the very beginning - our cat felt at ease and this allowed us to relax during our holiday. Deborah took good care of our home as well. We'd love to have her over again and totally recommend for your housesits!

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