Marie W.

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Caccamo, Sicily, Italy


Über Marie W.

62 Jahre alt | Realtor | Allein

I am Swedish, but I have lived in Sicily since 2008. I run my own real estate business and am hopeless with plants, but great with animals. I speak English, Swedish (of course), and Italian. I am not a very needy person, easily adaptable to all sorts of surroundings.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Shay b.

Northrepps, United Kingdom - November 2020

Marie was a super welcoming host with 2 gorgeous dogs. We arrived late-ish the night before and enjoyed cheese and wine on the balcony as we got acquainted, and really enjoyed getting to know Marie, Rika and Nuvola. Marie is very knowledgeable of the local area with lots of tips to share, and kindly took me for a little drive the next morning to orient me. Rika and Nuvola are adorable, very good when you take them out for walks, and really nice doggy company. They are pretty independent as they have lots of space to roam around. The house is up a private drive, it is a little way from town, but surrounded by mountainous countryside to explore, with olive trees and citrus trees a-plenty. There are also lots of other dogs around! If you enjoy walking, and local food, you'll enjoy this sit. There are local food stalls and markets in the towns and independent farmers you can purchase from too. You do need transport for this sit, there is ample parking. We really hope to keep in contact with Marie and would certainly return if asked!

Zuzana J.

Komorní Lhotka, Czech Republic - Mai 2019

Marie welcomed us with open arms, so marvelous person! Although we arrived at the last minute, she picked up us at the airport and prepared the house including the car for family use. Dogs are very nice and cuddly, especially with children. Lovely housesitting!

Rosemary j.

Bristol, United Kingdom - Januar 2018

Marie is lovely - warm and welcoming. Also a fabulous cook and she made me some lovely meals in the time we were there together. She is very easy to talk to (in her absolutely perfect English!) and great company. Right from the start she made me feel as though she trusted me completely with the house and her gorgeous dogs .That's always a nice feeling. Generous with her time and good advice. A car here is a must and I was very pleased to be able to use Marie's car. A list of a number of people I could contact locally was also very reassuring. The dogs are really sweet-natured and easy to look after. The surrounding area with the Calogero riserva is STUNNING and makes for some wonderful walks.

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